Kickstarter Projects for Transmetropolitan Art Book and Tony Harris’ Roundeye Hit Their Funding Targets Early


If you cast your mind back, you may remember that I had previously reported on two comics related projects, which were being funded via the Kickstarter website. These projects were the Transmetropolitan Charity Art Book (see here), and Tony Harris’ Roundeye: For Love (see here). Briefly, the deal with Kickstarter is, that people are able to donate to fund a project, but if the designated amount of funding is not attained by a defined deadline, the project gets no funding at all.

Well, I’m happy to report that both of these project have hit their designated target way before schedule, and therefore, will be able to proceed! The Transmet project was looking to raise $26,000, and has now raised close to $28,000, with another 12 days to go. The Roundeye project was looking to raise $10,000, and has now raised $11,000, with 45 hours to go.

Please remember that while these two projects have already hit their goals, you are still able to donate until the deadline is hit. Any extra money you give to either project will make things progress a lot faster and more smoothly for the parties involved. To find out more on the respective projects, and why they are raising this money, please click on the links above.

Related posts:

  1. Tony Harris Launches Kickstarter Project - Roundeye: for Love
  2. Tony Harris Tries to Kickstart Roundeye: for Love for a Second Time
  3. Help Fund the Transmetropolitan 2011 Art Book on Kickstarter!
  4. First Look at the Transmetropolitan Charity Art Book’s Cover, and a Video Interview Featuring Darick Robertson!
  5. IDW Announce the First release of the Desperado Imprint - Tony Harris: Art and Skulduggery


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