Marvel Releases a Second Avengers Academy Teaser, Featuring Striker


Marvel has revealed that this June they will debut ANOTHER new Avengers comic series, this one called Avengers Academy. The series will be written by Christos Gage, and will feature artwork by Mike McKone. The title is set to pick up where Avengers: The Initiative left off, featuring a school training new superheroes how to use their powers.

Marvel are revealing the characters that will appear in the book through a series of teaser images, and the second one features a new character called Veil, a the quote “I don’t want the spotlight, I am the spotlight”.

For the first teaser, featuring Veil, see here.

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  1. [...] For the second teaser, featuring Striker, see here. [...]

  2. [...] For the second teaser, featuring Striker, see here. [...]

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