As a follow-up to Diamond Distribution’s Top 20 Publishers, Top 300 Comics, and Top 300 TPBs & GNs for December 2009, I have used the raw data to construct the sales charts for independently published titles in December 2009. There is some debate over what comics count as indy. Some people claim that it’s an [...]

The Small Press Spotlight is a semi-regular feature on Hypergeek where I dedicate an article to all the excellent small press and indie publishers out there, as well as self-publishing artists. This is accomplished in the form of company/creator profiles, highlights of key works, reviews of the company/individual’s latest releases, and general articles about the [...]

I received this Ashcan of Nexus #101 from Steve Rude a few weeks back, just after I moved house. I only just got around to reading it, so I thought it might be interesting to do an advance review for the site. So, without Further ado: Up for Review - Nexus #101: Space Opera Act [...]