Robot Comics Brings ‘Jesus Hates Zombies’ to Android Mobiles


April Fools?

One of the greatest independent hits and the most popular mobile comic for Android has a change of hearth.

Starting this month, Stephen Lindsay‘s “Jesus Hates Zombies” switches genres and becomes “Jesus Loves Zombies”, a romance comic.

After Obama‘s healthcare program got approved, it didn’t feel right anymore,” states Jesus Hates Zombies creator Stephen Lindsay. “I called [Alterna Comics' President] Petey and pitched him this idea of taking Jesus [Hates Zombies] in a whole new direction, and he told me I was insane. It was the same thing he told me when I pitched [Jesus] Hates Zombies, so I took it as a good thing.

Instead of bashing their brains like usual, the new series has its titular character Jesus frolicking with zombies and turn them into a force of good through the power of love. “Jesus Loves Zombies” hopes to bring romance comics back into the spotlight, a genre that is not always popular with comics fans. “Twilight has shown us that romance and horror can blend well. Jesus Loves Zombies will definitely appeal to fans of Meyer‘s saga,” says Lindsay. The new comic also introduces Mary Jane, Jesus’ main love interest, and a character that Lindsay believes will be a fan-favorite: “Fans won’t get enough Mary Jane. She’s addicting.

About the relation with the previous series, “Jesus Hates Zombies”, Peter Simeti, Alterna Comics’ President, adds: “Forget about it. Readers should come to this series empty-minded. As a matter of fact we’re thinking of pulling a George Lucas and remove all the violence from the original series. If it worked for Star Wars it might work for us. Collectors be warned: those copies of Jesus Hates Zombies are going to become a rare item pretty soon!

“Jesus Hates Zombies” has found new life in mobile devices, the Android platform in particular, through mobile comic publisher Robot Comics. Hermes Pique, its Director, feels confident that “Jesus Loves Zombies” will also be a hit: “We publish anything from Stephen blindly. Heck, we don’t even read the comics he sends us, we don’t have time for all his insane ideas. He could submit a comic about ninja bacon and we would publish on the spot. This was no different.

We asked the men responsible for the series for closing words:

Simeti: “I can see the money pouring in already.

Pique: “This one will definitely be approved by Apple.

Lindsay: “Zombie-love-making. ‘Nuff said.

“Jesus Hates Zombies” is now available for Android devices, and will be son available in print. Fans can download the Android version from this link.

About Robot Comics

Robot Comics is one of first and few mobile comic publishers who offer titles specifically designed and formatted to be read on mobile devices. It currently publishes comics for iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Kindle and Nintendo DSi, with more platforms and consoles coming soon. For more information email: [email protected]

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