Small Press Sunday is a feature on Hypergeek where I dedicate the day to all the excellent small press and indie publishers out there, as well as self-publishing artists. I plan to do this in the form of company/creator profiles, highlights of key works and where to buy them, and reviews of the company/individual’s latest [...]

Small Press Sunday is a new feature on Hypergeek where I dedicate the day to all the excellent small press and indie publishers out there, as well as self-publishing artists. I plan to do this in the form of company/creator profiles, highlights of key works and where to buy them, and reviews of the company/individual’s [...]

Small Press Sunday is a new feature that I have been thinking of implementing for some time now. Earlier in the week I was sent some comics from a small press comic company called Unico Comics, and thought to myself that instead of just doing some random review that would get buried under all of [...]