Unico Collections is an anthology comic that was started by Unico Comics and the Amateur Comics Guild to put together an amateur only comic book open to any artist or writer from across the UK who felt they were up to the challenge of making their own comic.
This means that the artists who are wanting [...]

A couple of days ago PJ Holden tweeted that he had made some of his older comic work available to view for free on the website Myebook. I did not have time to check out the comic at the time, and only got around to viewing it this evening. I am familiar with Myebook from [...]

The Small Press Spotlight is a semi-regular feature on Hypergeek where I dedicate an article to all the excellent small press and indie publishers out there, as well as self-publishing artists. This is accomplished in the form of company/creator profiles, highlights of key works, reviews of the company/individual’s latest releases, and general articles about the [...]