Over on their blog, Drawn & Quarterly have posted their schedule for Toronto Comic Arts Festival 2011. On Friday Night, several D&Q creators will be attending the Kick Off! Spectacular! A Contemporary Comix Cavalcade featuring Chester Brown, Seth, Adrian Tomine, and Chris Ware! Moderated by Dan Nadel, Editor of The Comics Journal.  the event will [...]

TCJ.com has an an exclusive preview of Canadian cartoonist Seth’s forthcoming graphic novel, The Great Northern Brotherhood of Canadian Cartoonists (Drawn & Quarterly, September 2011). TCJ says that the book “deftly mixes real and imagined cartoon history in its depiction of a fictional cartoon society in the city of Dominion, where artists from every facet [...]

Over on FLOG!, the official Fantagraphics blog, they have posted a preview of The Complete Peanuts 1979-1980 (Vol 15.). If you’ve not been checking out Fantagraphics’ Complete Peanuts series, I would highly recommend that you start doing so! They are archiving every Peanuts story that Shulz ever wrote, in gorgeous hardcover collections, that contain one [...]

We are now well into 2011, and I think that pretty much everybody has finished posting their best of 2010 lists. Well, I figure it’s about time to stop looking back, and start looking forward. To this end, I have put together a list of comic related things that I am looking forward to in [...]

It’s finally here, my best of 2010 list! Sorry that it’s out so late, I know that the done thing is to have the list out by the end of the year, but screw convention, right? The reason that it is so late can be attributed to a combination of equal parts busyness, laziness, and [...]

It’s always nice to see comic books receiving accolades from the wider literary community. Which is why I was pleased to see that two fantastic comic books appeared in Amazon.com’s recently published editor’s choices for the top 100 books of 2009. Making an appearance at #67 is David Mazzucchelli’s Asterios Polyp, an original graphic novel [...]

Over on the New York Times website, Douglas Wolk (author of Reading Comics: How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean) has written an article highlighting “some books I liked a lot that the Times hasn’t covered yet this year.” Topping the list is Kyle Baker’s Special Forces, with notable appearances from Gabrielle Bell’s Cecil [...]