From the Official Marvel Comics press release:
Marvel is pleased to announce that Dark Reign: The List - Hulk has sold out at Diamond (though copies may still be available at retail level) and will return with Dark Reign: The List - Hulk Second Printing Variant! New York Times best-selling author Greg Pak (Incredible Hulk, Incredible [...]

Occasionally, Tharg permits some of his script & art droids to leave 2000 AD headquarters. In the Weekly Droid Watch, I’m going to be keeping an eye on what present and former droids have been up to each week. 2000 AD droids tend to go on to produce some of the most phenomenal U.S. comics, [...]

Andi Ewington is a relative newcomer to the Comic industry. His first comic project is the incredibly ambitious [Forty Five] 45, a 132 page OGN (Original Graphic Novel) set to be released by com.x on December 09, 2009.
[Forty Five] 45 is written as series of interconnected Superhero interviews documented by the fictional character James [...]

Norman Osborn knows making The Hulk angry probably wasn’t the best idea, but he never considered the ramifications of ticking off Skaar! In Dark Reign: The List – Hulk, the strength of Skaar and the brains of Banner will be put to the test as they find themselves on The List! Bruce Banner isn’t [...]

[Forty Five] 45 is a brand new Original Graphic Novel (OGN) released by indy publisher Com.x. [Forty Five] 45 is written as series of interconnected Superhero interviews documented by the fictional character James Stanley. The Story, or rather interviews, are written by Andi Ewington and what makes the project unique is that each of the [...]